Right Sizing Your Home for a Life of Travel: Adventure Without the Baggage
In this episode, Adriane focuses on the importance of right-sizing your home to create the best life for yourself, especially if you love to travel. Marni Jameson, author of "Right-Sizing: Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow," shares practical tips and checklists for creating a home that suits your current and future lifestyle. Discover the difference between downsizing and right-sizing and the emotional process of letting go of belongings. Tune in to learn how to make your home a launch pad for travel adventures.
In an enlightening conversation filled with practical wisdom, this episode features Marni Jameson, a multi-talented home design columnist and author. With a flair for shaping living spaces that reflect one's current stage in life, she delves into the complexities and emotional aspects of downsizing—or, as she terms it, "right-sizing"—a home for greater freedom and fulfillment.
Key Takeaways:
• Right-sizing is a personalized process of creating a home that fits one's physical, emotional, social, and financial needs at their current stage of life.
• Keep cherished memories without clinging to bulky heirlooms, suggesting practical ways to declutter and simplify living spaces.
• Consideration of environmental factors, such as weather and ease of home maintenance, is crucial when seeking a stress-free travel lifestyle.
• For those interested in owning a second home or property rental, Marnie offers tips on furnishing and maintenance that balance personal enjoyment with the practicality of short-term letting.
• Marni Jameson’s website and blog: marnijameson.com
• Marni Jameson's book: "Right Size Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow." https://www.amazon.com/Rightsize-Today-Create-Your-Tomorrow/dp/0757324843
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