Our Guest: Star Bradbury, CEO of Senior Living Strategies, and author of "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years." joins me on The Ageless Traveler to discuss how caregivers can overcome barriers to lifelong travel.
Star emphasizes the importance of successfully developing a plan for aging and provides practical advice for caregivers of older adults in home and residential care settings. She highlights the role of senior care managers in providing support and acting as a liaison between caregivers, older adults, and healthcare professionals. Star also stresses the need for caregivers to take care of their health and well-being and offers tips for preparing for travel while ensuring the safety and well-being of their loved ones.
**Key Takeaways:**
- Develop a plan for aging successfully and seek the assistance of a certified geriatric care manager to act as a support person and advocate for your loved one.
- Find a temporary caregiver or home care company to provide care while you are away, ensuring that all necessary medical and legal documents are in place.
- Regularly assess the well-being of your loved one and look out for signs of cognitive decline or other health issues that may require additional support.
- Communicate openly with your loved one about their desire for independence and the benefits of receiving assistance to prolong their ability to age.
- Take care of your health and well-being as a caregiver and give yourself things to look forward to, including travel.
Successfully Navigating Your Parents Senior Years by Star Bradbury
Aging Life Care https://www.aginglifecare.org/
PLEASE NOTE: I created this series with the expertise of Our Advisory Board Members, Dr. Carol Sargeant, Social Gerontologist Sharon Solomon Rose, and my long-time colleagues in aging to make life-long travel possible for all.
For organizations and senior residences, please see WOWZITUDE, our program for group armchair travel. For individual travel plans, please see our affiliation with Dr. Sargent, and for consulting services for travel companies wishing to build their business by attracting these avid travelers, please see our consulting services.
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