Empowerment, Aging, Tourism, Resilience, Entrepreneurship

"We just stay more competent when we travel."

This episode of The Ageless Traveler explores the vibrant lives of women over 70, highlighting their contributions, inspirations, and the importance of travel in later life. Hosts Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau share their experiences and insights from their podcast 'Women Over 70, Aging Reimagined', emphasizing the need to reframe aging and recognize the purpose and vitality that comes with it.

My guests discuss the significance of community, the power of storytelling, and how travel can enrich lives at any age. We explore the multifaceted aspects of aging, mainly focusing on the experiences of women over 70. Our conversation emphasizes the need for a shift in how society perceives aging, advocating for a more positive and proactive approach to growing older.


Website:  https://womenover70.com/

Making Up for Lost Time:  https://www.amazon.com/Making-Lost-Time-Adriane-Berg/dp/0380724901

How Not to Go Broke at 102:  https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Broke-102-Everlasting/dp/0471467278

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