Tips, Routes, and Freedom on Wheels

Driven To Happiness & Success

“Getaway Couple” Rae & Jason Miller Living The American Dream One Mile At A Time After Leaving Their Jobs & Home Five Years Ago To Embark On A Nationwide RV Journey With Their Dog, Carmen

Nearly 50 States Later, The Millers Have Become Successful Entrepreneurial Ambassadors For The RV Lifestyle

SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA – We’ve all felt it at some point. An overwhelming urge to break free, defy convention, change our lives, alter our surroundings, explore the world and discover our best selves. Not just for a few days but perhaps for a few years or even forever.

Unfortunately, however, the vast majority of us pack such urges away like fine china that’s too delicate and impractical to use except on the rarest of occasions. And so, instead of taking an off-ramp toward a bold and adventurous new life, we stay in our comfortable and predictable lanes knowing two words of regret will inevitably creep into our thoughts time and time again – if only…


The Getaway Couple:



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